Search results for 26110892_body_mass_index_metaanalysis


Author PMID Outcome Exposure Tissue Analysis N CpG Location Gene Beta P
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg00574958 chr11:68607622 CPT1A NA 3.5E-37
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg14476101 chr1:120255992 PHGDH NA 4.7E-15
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg07504977 chr10:102131012 - NA 1.2E-13
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg04332373 chr4:15779642 CD38 NA 3.7E-11
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg26164488 chr2:64440295 - NA 2.4E-07
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg17287155 chr5:393347 AHRR NA 2.5E-07
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg26680760 chr16:3155880 - NA 1.7E-06
Aslibekyan S 26110892 DNA methylation Body mass index CD4+ T-cells, whole blood Meta-analysis 5474 cg26140475 chr8:126525558 - NA 1.8E-06




*this tab-deliminated tsv file contains the full set of associations and variables, i.e. those in the downloadable catalog.